😛POP Quest Guide #7

Continuing on with the rest of POP Second Batch...

Almost L3gend

Complete the following objective to collect “Almost L3gend”

  1. Go to our Discord Server

  2. Chat on the various channels available on the server.

  3. Type /rank [your Discord ID] to check your level on MEE6

  4. Once you reach level 15, NAO and POPO know you’re ready to receive this POP

After you have finished the missions listed above, check your eligibility, and mint your POP.

“FWN” (Frens with NAO)

Complete the following objective to collect “FWN (Frens with NAO)”

  1. Click on “My Settings” and go to the “Referral” tab

  2. Copy and send the “Referral” link to the invited friends.

  3. Invite two friends to join the NAODA platform.

  4. Your friend will have to input your code at the sign in page.

  5. Once your friends have joined, check that they have completed the POP quest “Hello POPO”

After you have finished the missions listed above, check your eligibility, and mint your POP.

Last updated